Most day-to-day items are available at the local shops. If you should need to go to 'town' most North Shuswap residents use Kamloops as their major shopping destination. The North Shuswap social and economic connection is to Kamloops and not Salmon Arm as is usually assumed. Travel time to Salmon Arm is only 5 minutes shorter than that of Kamloops. Selection of stores and services is several times greater than offered in Salmon Arm. On the North Shuswap, Scotch Creek is the village with the most services to offer such as Drugstore; doctors office; Realtors; fuel sales; groceries and restaurants.

- CARLIN ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL - Grade 8 Middle School for students proceeding to SALMON ARM HIGH SCHOOL
- Grades 8 through 12 have the option of attending HIGH SCHOOL in either CHASE (Kamloops School District) or grade 9 through 12 at SALMON ARM (Salmon Arm School District) and bus service is provided only to the Salmon Arm school district.
- Advanced schooling is available in Salmon Arm at THE OKANAGAN COLLEGE or in Kamloops at THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY.
- North Shuswap Christian Fellowship
- St. David's Community Church
- North Shuswap Roman Catholic Services - Summer only
Health & Protection
- Chase & District Health Centre - Emergency/ Out-Patient/ Ambulatory Care/
Primary Health Care Organization- Home Nursing Care
- Home Support Services
- Public Health Nursing Services
- Mental Health Services
- Scotch Creek Medical Clinic
- People's Drug Mart Pharmacy
- North Shuswap First Responders
- Lee Creek/Scotch Creek Fire Department
- Celista Fire Department
- Anglemont Fire Department
- RCMP & Victim's Assistance
Clubs / Organizations / Associations
- Adams River Salmon Society
- AWE (Aging with Ease) Society
- Anglemont Ladies/Mens Golf Club
- Anglemont Ratepayers
- Anglemont Senior Citizens Branch
- Artistic Community
- Baseball Club
- Coffee House
- Country Gardens Garden Club
- Crimestoppers 1-800-222-8477 FREE
- Crowfoot Snowmobile Club
- Community Futures Development Corporation of the Shuswap
- Health Advisory Committee
- Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon
- Imai Ball Park Foundation
- Karate Club
- Lakeview Centre
- Lee Creek Ratepayers Association
- Little Shuswap Indian Band
- Magna Bay Ratepayers Association
- Meadow Creek Properties Park Association
- Needle Bugs Club
- North Shuswap Cemetery
- North Shuswap Chamber of Commerce
- North Shuswap Community Association
- North Shuswap First Responder Society
- North Shuswap First Responders
- North Shuswap Historical Society
- North Shuswap Lions Club
- North Shuswap Naturalist Club
- North Shuswap Parents Advisory Committee
- North Shuswap Players
- North Shuswap Police Advisory
- North Shuswap Women's Institute
- Okanagan Regional Library
- Parks Commission
- Seymour Arm Community Association
- Seymour Arm Snowmobile Club
- Shuswap Business Development Centre
- Shuswap Environmental Action Society
- Shuswap Hospice Society
- Shuswap Volunteer Search & Rescue
- Shuswap Needle Arts Guild
- Shuswap Rock Club
- Skamana Ski Club
- St. Ives Ratepayers
- Tai Chi
- Whittlers Club